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Remote Sensing Applications for Agriculture Monitoring in the Northern Eurasia

Bartalev S.A., Loupian E.A., Neyshtadt I.A., Savin I.Yu.

// 31st ISRSE Conference on Global Monitoring for Sustainability and Security. - St Petersburg., 2005. P. 24-26.

Northern Eurasian ecosystems present challenges to social and ecosystem scientists assessing the human dimensions of land cover and lend use change. One of the main factors affecting the state of the environment in Northern Eurasia is the change of area and structure of agricultural lands. Reliable and up-to-date information on agricultural lands is critical issue of the day and is needed for sustainable socio-economic development of the region and global climate change modeling. The paper gives an overview of fist results of the monitoring of agricultural lands in Russia based on remote sensing data, including the methodology and set of derived thematic products on various aspects of agricultural lands status and dynamic.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/savin/86.pdf