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Multi-Year Circumpolar Assessment the Area Burnt in Boreal Ecosystems Using SPOT-Vegetation

Bartalev S.A., Egorov V.A., Loupian E.A., Uvarov I.A.

// International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007. Vol. 28. № 6. P. 1397-1404.

The Russian Academy of Sciences' Space Research Institute has developed a new burnt area mapping method and a five-year database to estimate biomass burning in the Earth's entire boreal region. The mapping method involved SPOT-VEGETATION time-series data analysis to detect inter-annual vegetation changes combined with MODIS hot-spot data to distinguish fire-related changes from other types of disturbances. The burnt area database actually covers the boreal biome for the period 2000-2004 with 1 km spatial resolution and 10-day time freguency, while an automatic data processing chain allows this database to be updated continuously. The accuracy assesment involved comparison with Landsat-ETM+ derived burnt area estimates for Nortern Eurasia and ground data for Canada. This Letter describes the satellite sensor data prosessing method and the results of the accuracy assessment of the burnt area database and provides burnt area statistics for the boreal region countries.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/bartalev/bis_ijrs_proofs.pdf