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Potential of Meteorological Resources in the Middle East Countries for Winter Crop Production

Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu.

// Proceedings of the International Forum on Food Security under Water Scarcity in the Middle East. Problems and Solutions. Landau Network-Centro Volta. 24-27 November 2004. Como (IT), 2004.

The winter crop growing in the Middle East countries are more dependent on meteorological conditions than summer crops. The meteorological conditions for winter crop growing season 1985 up to now were analyzed. The analysis was done based on the MARS-FOOD archive of meteorological data. The archive contains dekadal meteorological parameters for one degree grid points, which were derived from the global meteorological model of ECMWF (UK). The climatic water balance was used as the main crop growth indicator for this study. As a result it was found that the meteorological situation improved for winter crops than 15-20 years ago within the main crop production areas. The climatic potential productivity shows positive trend,which should lead to higher yield of winter crops in many of the Middle East counries.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/savin/120.pdf