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Technology of Automated Satellite Data Archiving and Representing Systems Development

Burtsev M.A., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Nazipov R.R., Proshin A.A., Flitman E.V.

// Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Reducing Costs of Spacecreft Ground Systems and Operations (RCSGSO). 11-15 June 2007. Moscow. Russian Federation (ESA SP-648, July 2007), 2007. P. 3b2-1 - 3b2-4.

The last ten years have resulted in large experience in development of automated satellite data archiving and representing systems purposed for various environment and anthropogenic factors monitoring tasks for the crew of "Satellite monitoring technologies" department of Space Research Institute (IKI). It lead to the development of a unified technology of such systems building, which lets to make new archiving systems and operate the existing ones at minimal costs. There are two basic types of archives in terms of this technology: source satellite data archives and thematic processing products archives. Building of source data archives and access systems for them can be seriously standardized. Access systems for thematic processing products archives are usually task - specific but experience shows that development of such systems can also be considerably simplified with use of the unified system architecture and basic software suite.
One of the significant costs minimization factors is the use of free software. Basic version of the archive is realized on the base of MySQL database management system with FDB (File Database) program suite developed in IKI, which is purposed for file archives building and runs under FreeBSD OS. Data access is usually realized with specific web-interfaces running under Apache web-server. The software is generally developed in Perl.
The presented technology is constantly modernized. Current modernization activities are concerned with satellite images storage optimization, which would allow realizing of more versatile access interfaces for geographically oriented data.
