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Версия для печати
  1. Genovese G., Royer A., Micale А., Lazar С., Bettio М., Savin I.Yu., Orlandi S. MARS Bulletin - March - April 2004. S.P./I.04.85. - JRC. Italy, 2004. Vol. 12. No. 3.
  2. Genovese G., Micale А., Lazar С., Royer A., Savin I.Yu., Orlandi S., Bettio М. MARS Bulletin - July/August 2004 Situation. - S.P./I.04.164. - JRC. Italy, 2004. No. 5.
  3. Genovese G., Royer A., Micale А., Lazar С., Savin I.Yu., Bettio М., Curto L., Orlandi S. MARS Bulletin - June - 1st Decade of July 2004. Part 1/3 - S.P./I.04.135. - JRC. Italy, 2004. Vol. 12. No. 4.
  4. Genovese G., Royer A., Micale А., Lazar С., Bettio М., Savin I.Yu., Orlandi S. MARS Bulletin - March - April 2004. S.P./I.04.85. - JRC. Italy, 2004. Vol. 12. No. 2.
  5. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of October 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for September-October 2004. Bulletin No. 4. S.P./I.04.207. - JRC. Italy, 2004.
  6. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of June 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for May-June 2004. Bulletin No. 2. S.P./I.04.136. - JRC. Italy, 2004.
  7. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of April 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for March- April 2004. Bulletin No. 1. S.P./I.04.89. - JRC. Italy, 2004.
  8. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at the End of September 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for Summer Crops. Bulletin No. 4. S.P./I.04.183. - JRC, Italy, 2004.
  9. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at the End of July 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for Summer Crops. Bulletin No. 3. S.P./I.04.155. - JRC. Italy, 2004.
  10. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at the End of May 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for April-May 2004. Bulletin No. 2. S.P./I.04.110. - JRC. Italy, 2004.
  11. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at he End of March 2004. Agro-Meteorological Overview for February-March 2004. Pilot Bulletin No. 1. S.P./I.04.78. - JRC, Italy, 2004.
  12. Bartalev S.A., Loupian E.A., Neyshtadt I.A., Savin I.Yu. Detection of Crop Acreage Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data. Current Aspects of Remote Sensing of Earth from Space // Space Research Institute. 16-18 November 2004. Moscow (RU), 2004.
  13. Savin I.Yu. Multi-Scale Soil Inventorying Strategy: GIS Based Approach // EUROSOIL 2004. Inst. Soil Science and Forest Nutrition. 4-12 September 2004. Freiburg (DE), 2004.
  14. Nègre Т., Rembold F., Savin I.Yu., Rojas О. Use of SPOT VEGETATION Data for Food Security Oriented Crop Monitoring. The MARS-FOOD Approach // Proceedings of the VEGETATION Users Conference (VEGETATION 2004), VITO, 24-26 March 2004, Antwerp (BE), 2004.
  15. Savin I.Yu., Boogaard H., van Diepen, Nègre Т. CGMS Version 8.0. User Manual and Technical Documentation OPOSE. ISBN 92-894-8339-3 - EUR 21379/EN, 2004.
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